Suggestion Management
Problems or inefficiencies are experienced from time to time in the execution of processes and related activities. Based on the understanding that "one who does the job knows it the best", collecting the opinions and suggestions of employees contributes significantly to solving problems and/or increasing productivity.
In this module of AltaSoft, you can collect the opinions and suggestions (i.e. ideas) of your employees. You can establish suggestion evaluation commissions and quickly evaluate the suggestions in these commissions. You can create corporate memory by managing the accepted suggestions through the software. If you wish, you can also collect the opinions and suggestions of your employees on the topics you determine (i.e. thematic).
- You can determine the suggestion topics.
- You can designate a suggestion manager.
- You can create evaluation commissions.
- You can keep the employees who give suggestions and the members of the evaluation commission confidential.
- You can collect suggestions from employees by opening thematic topics.
- You can make a reminder for the thematic topic.
- You can evaluate suggestions as points or comments in the commission.
- You can realize suggestions.
- You can track suggestion costs.
- You can make reminders for suggestion evaluation and realization.
- You can assign actions for the realization of suggestions.
- You can have automatic reminders for actions.
- Automatic reminders for suggestion evaluation, commission evaluation and suggestion submission times for thematic topics.
- You can list the best suggestions.
- You can ask for feedback.
- Optionally; you can make separate authorization based on system and/or location.
- You can restrict user-based viewing and downloading.
- You can notify users via e-mail and/or SMS when necessary.
- Users can follow their pending jobs.
- You can create various reports (list of accepted suggestions, list of completed suggestions, list of ongoing suggestions, number of suggestions per person, number of suggestions per process/department, etc.).

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