Risk Management
"Process Management" forms the basis of management systems and is based on "Risk Based Thinking". In order for organizations to achieve their goals, they need to effectively evaluate the risks and opportunities of their processes and activities.
With this module of AltaSoft, you can effectively analyze the risks and opportunities of your organization on the basis of process, activity and target with broad participation. You can plan, track and close actions and/or corrective actions to mitigate your risks.
Users in different locations can use this module to mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities. Thus, improvements are achieved, and the efficiency of the organization increases.
- You can make risk assessments based on "process", "activity" or "target".
- You can create an organization-specific probability scale.
- You can create an organization-specific severity scale.
- If you wish, you can set an organization-specific risk appetite scale.
- You can determine the risk assessment team and assign deadlines.
- You can evaluate risks and opportunities according to the scales you have determined.
- While identifying risks and opportunities, you can see previous revisions and make comparisons.
- You can submit risk and opportunity assessments for approval.
- You can plan activities to reduce risks and/or seize opportunities.
- You can initiate corrective actions according to the magnitude of the risk.
- You can make reminders to re-evaluate risks and opportunities.
- You can make a reminder for the actions taken.
- You can ask for opinions.
- Optionally; you can make separate authorization based on system and/or location.
- You can restrict user-based viewing and downloading.
- You can notify users via e-mail and/or SMS when necessary.
- Users can track their pending jobs.
- You can create various reports (Risk and opportunity assessment tables, Risk mitigation activity reports, etc.).

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