Goal Management
The overall performance of an organization is determined by the performance of its processes. From this position, organizations should set their goals and define performance indicators (KPIs) for each process, taking these goals into account.
With AltaSoft's management by objectives module, an organization's objectives and the performance indicators of its processes can be determined and managed faster and easier. Results can be tracked with graphs and shared immediately with relevant users and parties.
- You can determine PG and goals.
- You can submit PG and goals for approval.
- You can determine data period for PG and goals.
- You can specify a data entry officer for PG and targets.
- You can remind data entry times.
- You can receive data from external software.
- You can receive data from external objects (IoT).
- You can track PG and goals.
- You can monitor PG and goals graphically (in the form of a trend graphic).
- You can initiate action or corrective action when goals are not achieved.
- Optionally; you can make separate authorizations on system and/or location basis.
- You can request opinions.
- You can restrict user-based viewing and downloading.
- You can inform users via e-mail and/or SMS at necessary stages.
- Users can follow their pending tasks.
- You can create various reports (Goals and Actions Report, Performance Indications Report, Goals and Performance Indicators Table).

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