8D Management
One of the widely used techniques to prevent recurrence of non-conformities, especially among customers and their suppliers, is "Global 8D", which includes 8 problem solving disciplines.
With this module of AltaSoft, you can effectively manage your Global 8D activities. All 8Ds opened are handled by authorized users. The resulting corrective actions and actions are implemented within the framework of authorizations. Regardless of time and place, nonconformities are quickly prevented from recurring, improvements are realized and contribute to the efficiency of the organization without the authorities coming together.
- You can determine the names of the 8D steps according to your organization.
- You can determine the criteria and reasons for 8D initiation.
- You can define "8D initiation", "8D receiving" and "8D closing" authorization on user basis.
- You can create 8D teams
- You can define immediate response and interim measure activities.
- You can get internal customer approval.
- You can determine the 8D Coordinator.
- You can assign more than one action and action responsible to 8D activities.
- You can Initiate corrective actions (in relation to AltaSoft's DF module)
- You can identify root causes.
- You can upload attachments such as documents, photos, videos to 8D requests.
- You can associate 8Ds with your customers.
- You can start 8Ds from other modules of AltaSoft.
- You can monitor your 8D costs.
- You can monitor ongoing 8D activities.
- You can automatically warn responsible users for upcoming activity times.
- You can warn responsible users for actions that are not closed on time.
- You can notify users via e-mail and/or SMS at necessary stages.
- Users can track their pending work.
- You can create various reports (8D Form, 8D Requests List, User Performance Report, Process Performance Report).

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