FMEA Management
If we look at the benefits of FMEA Software; Known as the most effective risk analysis method, Process FMEA applications, which are made on the basis of activities in production or service processes, are expanding their application area by spreading to different sectors every year.
With AltaSof's AIAG VDA FMEA module, you can manage your organization's Process FMEA and Design FMEA activities quickly, easily and accurately. You can ensure that your employees quickly grasp, correctly apply and calibrate Process FMEA and Design FMEA. With calibrated employees, you can quickly increase the number of applications and improve your processes. By creating a Process FMEA and Design FMEA bank, you can create and protect your corporate knowledge (i.e. know-how). Works compatible with the Control Plan module. You can synchronize Control Plan software from FMEA software.
- 100% compatible with "AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook".
- Works synchronized with AltaSoft's FMEA software and Control Plan module.
- You can categorize your FMEAs as Product, General, Family or Generic FMEA.
- You can customize the Process FMEA form according to your organization (such as header information, main and sub-section names)
- You can customize the Design FMEA form according to your organization (such as header information, main and sub-section names)
- You can customize the "Probability", "Severity" and "Detection" tables according to your organization.
- With organization-specific questions; you can ensure the correct preparation for each FMEA.
- You can create a "Structure Analysis Diagram".
- You can create a "Function Analysis Diagram".
- You can create a "Failure Analysis Diagram".
- You can automatically transfer the "Structure", "Function" and "Failure" analysis diagrams into the FMEA form.
- You can automatically determine the "Action Priority".
- For the optimization step; actions can be planned, monitored and closed.
- You can make action reminders.
- You can associate your documented information (such as control plans) with the FMEA form.
- You can download the prepared FMEAs in Excel format.
- You can follow each FMEA project with its revisions.
- You can create an archive from your existing FMEAs.
- You can create a FMEA Bank.
- You can set a "confidentiality level" for each FMEA.
- You can quickly perform FMEA studies of similar products on an existing FMEA.
- You can restrict user-based viewing and downloading.
- You can inform users via e-mail and/or SMS at necessary stages.
- Users can follow their pending jobs.
- You can create various reports (such as FMEAs list, "Structure Analysis", "Function Analysis" and "Failure Analysis" diagrams, User performance report, Process / department performance report)

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